721 Homework Assignments

Homework for June 3rd-June 7th:
Practice your scene for Novio Boy.
Performances begin June 10th .

Homework for the weekend:
Unit 5 Narratives Final Publication due 6/3.  Please make sure to follow the direction carefully!

Homework # 16.5 Due 5/31/13: 
Make changes to transitions and word choice that you peer worked shop today.  Write them on a new sheet of paper and highlight, or underline the changes you made.
Final Publication due 6/3.

Homework # 15.5 Due 5/30/13: 
Make changes to the rising action, climax, and falling that you peer worked shop today.  Write them on a new sheet of paper and highlight, or underline the changes you made.  Write 2nd draft on the top of your paper. 

Final Publication due 6/3.

Homework # 14.5 Due 5/29/13: 
Make changes to the exposition that you peer worked shop today.  Write them on a new sheet of paper and highlight, or underline the changes you made.  Write 2nd draft on the top of your paper.
Final Publication due 6/3.

Homework # 13.5 Due 5/28/13: 
First draft of Unit 5 narrative due 5/28
Extended deadline for 25 Book Campaign 5/28
Unit 4 post-test: return with a parent’s, or guardian’s signature. 

Homework # 12.5 Due 5/24/13: 

Complete the story sampler graphic organizers.
Create a word wall for one of the article’s vocabulary word.
Extended deadline for 25 Book Campaign 5/28
First draft of Unit 5 narrative due 5/28.
Unit 4 post-test: return with a parent’s, or guardian’s signature. 

Homework # 10.5 Due 5/22/13:

Power paragraph:  Choose a passage from “Two Dreamers” that is a strong example of an immigrant’s struggle to achieve the American Dream.  Explain why it is a strong example and  use one piece of textual evidence to support your response.
Extended deadline for 25 Book Campaign 5/28
Unit 4 post-test: return with a parent’s, or guardian’s signature. 

Homework # 9.5 Due 5/21/13:
Read “Two Dreamers” from Baseball in April
Complete the American Dream/Two Dreamers graphic organizer
Extended deadline for 25 Book Campaign 5/28
Unit 4 post-test: return with a parent’s, or guardian’s signature.  


Extended deadline for 25 Book Campaign 5/28
Unit 4 post-test: return with a parent’s, or guardian’s signature

Homework # 7.5 Due 5/15/13:
Power paragraph: What are two examples of acculturation that you can identify in your life?  Explain how these two examples blend American culture and your ethnic culture/background.
Extended deadline for 25 Book Campaign 5/28
Unit 4 post-test: return with a parent’s, or guardian’s signature. 

Extended deadline for 25 Book Campaign 5/28
Unit 4 post-test: return with a parent’s, or guardian’s signature. 


• Read Scene 5.
-Finish “Oranges” Hand-out
•Unit 4 post-test: return with a parent’s, or guardian’s signature. 

•Last four 25 book campaign reports due May 10th.
•Unit 4 post-test: return with a parent’s, or guardian’s signature.

Homework # 5.5 Due 5/9/13:
Read Scene 2
Complete the characterization chart
•Last four 25 book campaign reports due May 10th.
•Unit 4 post-test: return with a parent’s, or guardian’s signature. 

Homework # 4.5 Due 5/8/13:

-In your notebook, create a bullet point list of 3-5 rules, or traditions of your culture that you considered to be very strict.  Look over your list and in a power paragraph, explain these rules, or traditions, and how they are difficult to follow as an American teenager. (Short responses in your notebook).
•Last four 25 book campaign reports due May 10th.
•Unit 4 post-test: return with a parent’s, or guardian’s signature. 

Homework # 3.5 Due 5/7/13:
Complete the short responses for today’s article.  Write it on loose-leaf, or typed.
•Last four 25 book campaign reports due May 10th.
•Unit 4 post-test: return with a parent’s, or guardian’s signature.

Homework # 2.5 Due 5/6/13:
Choose three questions from Gary Soto’s interview that you would answer for an interview.  Write 2-3 full complete sentences to answer the questions that you chose.  Make sure the question and your answers are completed on loose-leaf, or typed.
•Last four 25 book campaign reports due May 10th.
•Unit 4 post-test: return with a parent’s, or guardian’s signature. 

Homework # 1.5 Due 5/3/13:
Short response:  Choose one idea from the bullet point list you created with your group.  In one power paragraph, explain how your cultural background has an impact on your experience growing up. 
•Last four 25 book campaign reports due May 10th.
•Unit 4 post-test: return with a parent’s, or guardian’s signature.


Last four 25 book campaign reports due May 10th.
Unit 4 post-test: return with a parent’s, or guardian’s signature.

Homework for 4/22-4/26:
Last four 25 book campaign reports due May 10th

Homework for the weekend:
Last four 25 book campaign reports due May 10th.
Work on your My Brother Sam is Dead scene. 

Homework # 16.4 Due Monday 4/15:
Common Core Assessment Book-pages 42-50.  Time yourself for 30 minutes.
Last four 25 book campaign reports due May 10th.

Homework Due 4/12/13:
Post-test final publication due Friday 4/12
Last four 25 book campaign reports due May 10th.

Homework # 14.4  Due 4/11/13:
•Revise the short response for the passage “The Herring Chocker”.
-Post-Test final publication due Friday 4/12
 • Last four 25 Book Campaigns due 5/10. 

Homework # 13.4 Due 4/10:
•Common Core Assessment Books: pages 34-41.  Time yourself for 30 minutes.  Do not explain your answers for the multiple choice questions.
Post-test final publication due Friday 4/12.
•Last four 25 Book Campaigns Due 5/10.  

Homework # 12.4 Due 4/9/13
•Common Core Assessment Books: Complete Part II-Language Arts pages 22-24.  Read the passage “The Tickets”, answer the multiple choice questions and the short response for this passage.  For each multiple choice question, write one complete sentence to explain the answer you chose.
Last four 25 Book Campaign reports due May 10th.    

Homework Due 4/8:
Finish Chapter 11.  Read pages 146-151

•Complete a freedom entry
•Last four 25 Book Campaign reports due May 10th  

Homework Due April 5th, 2013:
Finish Read Ch. 10 pages 134-145
•Complete a freedom entry
•First three 25 Book Campaign reports due April 5th

Homework Due April 4th, 2013:
Read Ch. 10 pages 127-133
•Complete a freedom entry
•First three 25 Book Campaign reports due April 5th

Homework # 11.4 Due April 3rd, 2013:
•Finish reading Ch. 9
•Complete a freedom entry
•H.W. in Common Core Assessment book.  Read Direction on the hand-out carefully!
First three 25 Book Campaign reports due April 5th

Homework Due 3/22:
Entire 3rd draft of post-test due Friday 3/22.  Highlight the changes you made.
First three 25 Book Campaign reports due April 5th.

Homework # 10.4 Due 3/21:
• Second draft of power paragraphs due 3/21.  Highlight the changes you made.
Final publication due Friday 3/22.
First three 25 Book Campaign reports due April 5th

Homework # 9.4 Due 3/19:
Second draft of intro and thesis due 3/19. Highlight changes you made.
•Final publication due Friday 3/22.
First three 25 Book Campaign reports due April 5th

Homework # 8.4 Due 3/18:
Read pages-88-98
Complete a freedom entry
Game Plan and First draft of post-test due Monday 3/18
First three 25 Book Campaign reports due April 5th

Homework # 7.4 Due 3/15
Finish reading Ch. 6 pages 77-84
Complete a freedom entry
Game Plan and First draft of post-test due Monday 3/18
First three 25 Book Campaign reports due April 5th

Homework # 6.4 Due 3/14:
Finish Ch. 5 pages 64-73
Complete a freedom entry
Complete the short response for today’s article.
First three 25 Book Campaigns due April 5th.

Homework # 5.4 Due 3/13:
Finish Ch. 5 pages 64-73
Complete a freedom entry
Complete the short response for today’s article.
First three 25 Book Campaigns due April 5th

Homework # 4.4 Due 3/11:
Finish reading Chapter 3 pages 43-45.
Complete a freedom entry.
Short Response: Tim explains to the reader the tension in his community between individuals who support the revolution and those who support the King.  Based on his explanation, identify two ways the revolution is effecting the individuals of Tim’s community.  Use details from chapter 3 to support your response.

Homework # 3.4 3/8:
Finish reading chapter 2
Complete a freedom entry
Complete the vocabulary hand-out and short response for today’s article.    The short response question is on the bottom of the vocabulary sheet.

Homework # 2.4 Due 3/7:
Finish Ch. 1 pages 9-22
Complete a freedom entry
Short response: What does Sam mean when he tells his father that fighting for independence is based on principal and not based paying taxes to the British Parliament?  Use details from chapter 1 to support your answer.

Homework # 1.4 Due 3/5:
My Brother Sam is Dead Read pages 1-8
Complete a freedom entry
Short response: Tim’s father (Mr. Meeker) tries to convince Sam that it is God’s intention for individuals to obey their King.  Why is Sam not persuaded by Mr. Meeker’s  argument?  Use supporting details from pages 1-8 to support your response.

Homework # 28.3 Due 3/4:
1) Finishing reading pages 48-53 and answer questions. 
2) Common Core Coach Books-Read the passage “Reconstruction” and complete the graphic organizer on page 58.
 Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  Last 3 reports due 3/4.

Homework # 27.3 Due 3/1:
1) Crosswalk Coach Books:  Text Structure Lesson.  Read pages 112-  113.  
  Read the passage on page 120.  Answer short response on pg 121.
  Read the passage on page 121.  Answer questions 1-2 on page 122.
  Read passages on page 123-124.  Answer questions 1-5 on page 125.  Provide   an explanation for each multiple choice answer.
  2) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  Last 3 reports   due 3/4.

Homework # 26.3 Due 2/27:
1) Crosswalk Coach Books:  Compare and Contrast Lesson.  Read pages 112-  113.  
  Read the passage on page 114.  Answer short response on pg 114.
  Read the passage on page 115.  Answer questions 1-3 on page 116.
  Read passages on page 117-118.  Answer questions 1-5 on page 119.  Provide   an explanation for each multiple choice answer.
  2) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  Last 3 reports   due 3/4.

Homework # 25.3 Due 2/26:
1) Crosswalk Coach Books:  Character Lesson.  Read pages 50-51.    Answer question on page 51.
  Read the passage on page 52.  Answer questions 1-2 on page 52.
  Read the passage on pages 53-54.  Answer questions 1-5 on page 55.  For multiple choice questions, give your explanation for the answers you chose.
  2) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  Last 3 reports   due 3/4.

Homework # 24.3 Due 2/25:
1)Common Core Coach Books:  Complete the extended response on the bottom of page 28.  Read and follow the directions in the book and on the hand-out CAREFULLY!!!!!
2)Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  Last 3 reports due 3/4.

Homework # 23.3 Due 2/22:
1) Crosswalk Coach Books:  Poetry Lesson.  Read pages 38-39. 
  Answer questions on pages 40-41.  Read poem on page 42 and answer questions 1-5 on   page 43.  For each multiple choice questions, explain why the answer you chose is   correct.
2) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  Last 3 reports due 3/4.

Homework # 22.3 Due 2/21: 
1) Crosswalk Coach Books:  Drama Lesson.  Read page 32 and complete questions on pages 33 & 34.
  Read passage on pages 35-36.  Answer questions 1-5 on page 37.  For each multiple choice   question,  provide an explanation for the answers you chose.
 2) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  Last 3 reports due 3/4. 

Homework for the long weekend: 
1) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  Last 3 reports due 3/4.
2) Pack of 10 sheet protectors due Wednesday 2/20.  I will make phone calls home if you do not have them in by next Wednesday.  

Homework  Due Friday 2/15: 
1)Complete the check-off list for the final publication of your post-test.
2) Final Publication of Unit 3’s Post-Test.
3) ELA results with parent’s/guardian’s signature.
4) Tears of a Tiger Exam with parent’s/guardian’s signature return.

Homework # 21.3 Due 2/14: 
1)Bring your 2nd drafts of your introduction, thesis statement, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, power paragraphs to class.  Make sure to highlight the changes you made.
2)Write the first draft of your conclusion.
3) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  Last 3 reports due 3/4.
4) Tears of a Tiger Exam with parent’s/guardian’s signature return.

Homework # 20.3 Due 2/13: 
1)Write the first draft of your introduction for your post-test.
2)Write a 2nd draft of your 2nd and 3rd power paragraphs.  Highlight, or underline the changes you made.
3) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  Last 3 reports due 3/4.

Homework # 19.3 Due Tuesday 2/12:
1)Write your first draft of your second and third power paragraphs on yellow notepad paper.
2)Write a second draft of your thesis and first power paragraph on new paper.  Highlight or underline the changes you made.
3)Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  Last 3 reports due 3/4.
4) ELA results with parent’s/guardian’s signature.

Homework # 18.3 Due Monday 2/11
 1) Write your  first draft of your thesis and your first power paragraph for Unit 3’s post-test.  
2)Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  First 3 reports due 2/11.
3) ELA results with parent’s/guardian’s signature due 2/11

Homework # 18.3 Due Monday 2/11
 1) Write your  first draft of your thesis and your first power paragraph for Unit 3’s post-test.  
2)Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  First 3 reports due 2/11.

Homework # 17.3 Monday 2/4: 
 1) Extended response for Common Core Coach Book Lesson.  Please follow directions carefully! Due 2/4
2) Study for your Tears of Tiger Exam.  Test on Monday 2/4
3)Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  First 3 reports due 2/11.


 1) H.W. # 16.3: Poetry assignment due Friday 2/1.
2) Study for your Tears of Tiger Exam.
3)Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  First 3 reports due 2/11.

Homework 16.3:  
 1) Poetry assignment due Friday 2/1.
2) Study for your Tears of Tiger Exam.  Questions for review day due Thursday 1/31.
3)Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  First 3 reports due 2/11.

 1) Continue to work on H.W. # 15.3.  Due tomorrow 1/30.
2) Study for your Tears of Tiger Exam.  Questions for review day due Thursday 1/31.
3)Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  First 3 reports due 2/11.

Homework # 15.3 Due Wednesday 1/30:  
 1) Complete a game plan for today’s article and the short response question. Due 1/30.
2) Study for your Tears of Tiger Exam.  Questions for review day due Thursday 1/31.
3) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  First 3 reports due 2/11.

Homework # 14.3 Due Monday January 28th, 2013: 
 1) Tears of a Tiger.  Pages 160-180  Choose two letters only from the last chapter. 
2) Tear entries for each chapter.
3) What is Sharon Draper’s purpose to include Shakespeare’s Macbeth for her novel Tears of a Tiger?  Write one power paragraph to answer this question.  Use one piece of textual evidence from Tears of a Tiger to support your answer.  Use formula 1-2-3-4-2-3-1.
 4)  Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  First 3 reports are due 2/11

Homework # 13.3 Due January 25th, 2013:
1) Tears of a Tiger.  Pages 146-159 
2) Tear entries for each chapter.
3) Point of view assignment Due Friday 1/25
 4)  Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  *First three 25 Book Campaign reports are due February 11th

Homework # 12.3 Due January 24th, 2013: 
 1) Tears of a Tiger.  Pages 136-145 
2) Tear entries for each chapter.
3) Point of view assignment Due Friday 1/25
 4)  Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  *First three 25 Book Campaign reports are due February 11th
Homework # 11.3 Due January 23rd, 2013: 
 1) Tears of a Tiger.  Pages 126-135  
2) Tear entries for each chapter.
3) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign. *First 3 are due February 11th!
Homework # 10.3 Due January 22nd, 2013: 
 1) Tears of a Tiger.  Pages 114-125  
2) Tear entries for each chapter.
 3) Coach book pages 65-67.  Write answers on loose-leaf.
4) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.
Homework # 9.3 January 18th, 2013: 

 1) Tears of a Tiger.  Pages  103-113
2) Tear entries for each chapter.
3) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.
 Homework # 8.3 Due January 17th, 2013: 
 1) Tears of a Tiger.  Pages  89-102
2) Tear entries for each chapter.
3) Complete the short response question for the article “Underage Drinking”
4) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.

Homework # 7.3 Due January 16th, 2013: 
1) Tears of a Tiger.  Pages  71-88
2) Tear entries for each chapter.
 3) Create a game plan for the extended response for today’s article.
4) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign. 

Homework # 6.3 Due January 14th, 2013:  
1)Read pages 61-70
2) Complete Tear entries for each chapter
3) Complete the short response on the graphic organizer on loose-leaf.
4)  Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign. 
Homework # 5.3 Due January 11th, 2013:  

1)Read pages 50-60
2) Complete Tear entries for each chapter
3)  Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign. 

Homework # 4.3 Due January 10th, 2013:
1) Read pages 33-40
2) Complete Tear entries for each chapter
3) Complete the short response from your graphic organizer on loose-leaf.
4)  Read independently for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.

Homework # 3.3 Due January 9th, 2013:
1)Read pages 23-32
 2) Complete Tear entries for each chapter
 3) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.
Homework # 2.3 Due January 8th, 2013:
1) Read pages 11-22
2)  Complete Tear entries for each chapter
3)  Write one power paragraph to complete this short response.  Use one piece of textual evidence (power 4) to support your answer:  Based on Tyrone’s statement (pgs. 11-14), what is one prediction you can make about how this car accident will affect Andy’s characterization?

Homework # 1.3 Due January 7th, 2013:
1) Read pages 3-10
2) Complete Tear entries for each chapter.
3) Read independently for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.
Homework to complete during the Holiday break:

1) Read independently each day for 30 minutes.
2) Work on your 25 Book Campaigns.  All 6 reports are due on January 4th, 2013.
3) Have a great and relaxing holiday break!
Homework # 24.2 Due Friday December 21st, 2012:

1) What is one writing skill you improved on?  What is one writing area you need to work on?  Write two power paragraphs to answer these questions. 

2) Parent’s/Guardian’s signature on Unit 2’s post-test.  Sign and return it tomorrow.
3) Read independently for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.
1) Read independently for 30 minutes.
2) Work on your 25 Book Campaign.  All reports are due January 4th.


Homework Due December 17th, 2012:
Final Publication of Post-test for Unit Due.
Directions for Unit 2-Post-Test: Final Publication

Homework # 14.3 Due Monday January 28th, 2013: 
 1) Tears of a Tiger.  Pages 160-180  Choose two letters only from the last chapter. 
2) Tear entries for each chapter.
3) What is Sharon Draper’s purpose to include Shakespeare’s Macbeth for her novel Tears of a Tiger?  Write one power paragraph to answer this question.  Use one piece of textual evidence from Tears of a Tiger to support your answer.  Use formula 1-2-3-4-2-3-1.
 4)  Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  First 3 reports are due 2/11

Homework # 13.3 Due January 25th, 2013:
1) Tears of a Tiger.  Pages 146-159 
2) Tear entries for each chapter.
3) Point of view assignment Due Friday 1/25
 4)  Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  *First three 25 Book Campaign reports are due February 11th

Homework # 12.3 Due January 24th, 2013: 
 1) Tears of a Tiger.  Pages 136-145 
2) Tear entries for each chapter.
3) Point of view assignment Due Friday 1/25
 4)  Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.  *First three 25 Book Campaign reports are due February 11th
Homework # 11.3 Due January 23rd, 2013: 
 1) Tears of a Tiger.  Pages 126-135  
2) Tear entries for each chapter.
3) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign. *First 3 are due February 11th!

Homework # 10.3 Due January 22nd, 2013: 
 1) Tears of a Tiger.  Pages 114-125  
2) Tear entries for each chapter.
 3) Coach book pages 65-67.  Write answers on loose-leaf.
4) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.
Homework # 9.3 January 18th, 2013: 

 1) Tears of a Tiger.  Pages  103-113
2) Tear entries for each chapter.
3) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.

Homework # 8.3 Due January 17th, 2013: 
 1) Tears of a Tiger.  Pages  89-102
2) Tear entries for each chapter.
3) Complete the short response question for the article “Underage Drinking”
4) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign.

Homework # 7.3 Due January 16th, 2013: 
1) Tears of a Tiger.  Pages  71-88
2) Tear entries for each chapter.
 3) Create a game plan for the extended response for today’s article.
4) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book Campaign. 

1.     You need a cover sheet.  The cover sheet must have your name, class, and title of Unit 2’s Post-Test.  The title is:  Unit 2 Post-Test:  Overcoming Environmental Difficulties.  You don’t have to decorate the cover.
2.     Staple your post-test task, the first article, post-test rubric, and second draft of your post-test to the back of your final publication.
3.     Blue or black ink only for final copies that are written on loose-leaf.  Do not write your final publication on note pad paper.
4.     Typed copies must be:
a.     Font-Times New Roman
b.     Font Size: 12
c.     Black ink only
d.     Double spaced
5.     You cannot e-mail me your final publication. 
6.     I will not accept the excuse that your printer is broken, or that you ran out of ink.  If that happens, you must write your final publication on loose-leaf.

Homework # 23.2 Due December 14th, 2012:
1) Revise your introduction and first power paragraph on new sheets of yellow note-pad paper or loose-leaf.  Skip lines!
2) Final Publication of Post-Test for Unit due Monday 12/17/12
3) Read for 30 minutes and work on your 25 book campaign.

Homework # 22.2 Due December 13th, 2012:
1) Write the first draft of your second and third power paragraph on yellow note pad paper.  Make sure you skip lines!
2) Read independently for 30 minutes and work on your 25 Book campaign.  Hand in your 25 Book campaign for The Outsiders by Friday!

Homework # 21.2:  Due Monday 12/10/12

1)Complete the Game Plan organizer for Unit 2’s Post-test task.
2)    Complete the relevant graphic organizer.
3)   Study for your mid-term exams.
4) Read independently for 30 minutes and work on your 25 book campaign. 

Homework # 20.2 Due December 6th, 2012:
1) Write one power paragraph to answer this question:  What is one similar theme that the “There are Some Games” article and The Outsiders  have in common?  Use one piece of textual evidence from the article to support your answer.
2) Read independently for 30 minutes and work on your 25 book campaign. 

Homework # 19.2 DUe December 5th, 2012:

1) Complete the vocabulary context clues graphic organizer for “There are Some Games” article.
2) Read independently for 30 minutes and work on your 25 book campaign. 

Homework #18.2 December 4th, 2012 :
1) Complete comprehension question for “There are Some Games in which Cheering for the Other Side Feels Better than Winning”
2) Read independently for 30 minutes and work on your 25 book campaign.

Parent’s/Guardian’s signature on The Outsider’s unit test.  Return tomorrow!

Homework # 17.2 Due December 3rd, 2012:

1) Write today’s vocabulary words on loose-leaf.  Next to each vocabulary word, write a synonym of the word.
2) On the same sheet of loose-leaf, choose three vocabulary words and write a sentence for each vocabulary word you choose.
3) New independent reading due in class and one power paragraph to explain why you choose that book for independent reading.

Homework # 16.2 Due November 30th, 2012
Complete the double entry journal.   Choose two quotes from the article, highlight the context clues, paraphrase the quote, and explain the relevance of the author’s statement. 

H.W. # 15.2 Due November 29th, 2012:

1) Complete the comprehension questions for “What Teens Learn by Overcoming Obstacles” article.
2)  What is the common theme that  today’s article and The Outsiders share?  Write one power paragraph to answer this question and use one piece of textual evidence (Power 4 transition) from the article or The Outsiders  to support your answer.

Homework # 14.2 Due November 28th, 2012:
1)Write one power paragraph to explain the meaning of Michael Jordan’s quote and make a connection to the theme from The Outsiders.   Use one piece of textual evidence (Power 4 transition) from The Outsiders to support your explanation of Michael Jordan’s quote.
2) New independent reading book due Monday December 3rd.  You must bring in your independent reading book on December 3rd and one power paragraph explaining why you chose that book.  You cannot choose an independent  reading book from our class library on December 3rd.

Homework Due November 27th, 2012:
1) Independently read for 30 mins and work on your 25 book campaign
2) New independent reading book due Monday December 3rd.  You must bring in your independent reading book on December 3rd and one power paragraph explaining why you chose that book. You cannot choose an independent  reading book from our class library on December 3rd.  
Homework # 13.2 Due November 19th, 2012:

1)On the back of your review sheet for The Outsiders unit test, write questions about any aim/topic lesson that will be on the test.
2) Study for your unit test!

Homework # 12.2 Due November 16th, 2012:
1) Work on final draft for the WOW project.  Final drafts due Friday November 16th.
2) One Power paragraph:  What is the similar theme of both Robert Frost’s poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” and The Outsiders?  Use one piece of textual evidence from the The Outsiders to support your answer.
3) Study for your unit test!

Homework # 11.2 Due November 15th, 2012:
1) Read chapter 6 pages 89-99
2) Complete a Tuff entry
3) Work on final draft for the WOW project.  Final drafts due Friday November 16th.
4) Study for your Unit test!

Homework #: 10.2 Due November 13th, 2012:
1) Read Chapter 5 pages 74-84
2) Complete a “Tuff” Entry.
3)Answer this question in your notebook:  What do you think the theme of the poem is on page 77?  This is a free write, so you don’t have to write a power paragraph.
4)Study for your Unit test!

Homework #: 9.2 Due November 13th, 2012:
1)Finish on-demand writing prompt if you did not finish it in class:: Which conflict  is the opposite force that Ponyboy and the greasers are fighting with based on page 43’s passage?  Use textual evidence (Power 4) to support your answer!
2) Work on your WOW project first draft due:  Tuesday November 13th

Homework # 8.2 Due November 9th:
1) Read Chapter 4 pgs. 63-67
2) Complete a “Tuff” Entry.
3)WOW project first draft due:  Tuesday November 13th
4)Parent’s signature on post-test.  RETURN TOMORROW!!!

Homework # 7.2 Due November 8th:
1) Read Chapter 4 pgs. 53-62
2) Complete a “Tuff” Entry.
3)  Finish on-demand writing prompt that we started in class:  On demand writing prompt:  Why is it wrong to judge individuals based on status symbols?  Write one power paragraph on loose-leaf to answer this question.  Use one piece of textual from The Outsiders to support your answer. 

Homework # 6.2 Due Wednesday November 7th, 2012:
1) Read Chapter 3 pgs. 48-52
2) Complete a “Tuff” Entry.

Homework # 5.2 Due Monday October 29th, 2012:
1) Read Chapter 3 pgs. 37-47
2) Complete a “Tuff” Entry.
 3) Complete the idioms for Ch.3 on your graphic organizer.

Homework # 4.2 Due October 26th, 2012:
1) Read Chapter 2 pgs. 29-36
2) Complete a “Tuff” Entry.
 3)  Write one power paragraph to answer this question:  Why do you think Ponyboy doesn’t believe Cherry when she says that the Socs’s also have problems?

Homework # 3.2 Due October 25th, 2012:
1) Read Chapter 2 pgs. 19-28
 2) Complete a “Tuff” Entry.

Homework # 2.2 Due October 24th, 2012:
1) Finish reading Chapter 1
2) Complete a “Tuff” Entry.
 3) Write one power paragraph to answer these questions:  Why is Darry so strict and tough on Ponyboy?  Do you think Darry hates Ponyboy?

Homework # 1.2 Due October 23rd, 2012:
1)Read Chapter 1 pages 1-12.
2) Complete a “Tuff” entry
 3) Write one power paragraph to answer these questions:  What is the main difference between the Greasers and the Socs?  Why do they dislike each other? 

Homework Due October 22nd, 2012:
Unit 1 Post-Test final copy due Monday October 22nd, 2012.
 Homework Due October 17th:
Continue to work on Unit 1 Post-Test Drafts-Third draft.  Highlight the changes (corrections you made)  you made to each sentence, or paragraph.
Final Copy of Post-Test Due:  October 22nd , 2012


Homework Due October 16th:
Continue to work on Unit 1 Post-Test Drafts-Second draft.  Highlight the changes (corrections you made)  you made to each sentence, or paragraph.
Final Copy of Post-Test Due:  October 22nd , 2012

Homework # 19 Due October 15th: 
Write the first draft for your post-test on a new sheet of yellow paper. This will include the introduction,1st  2nd, and 3rd power paragraphs, and conclusion. Use page. 8 in your agenda books to write the conclusion.
Final Draft Copy:  October 22nd, 2012

Homework # 18: Due October 12th 
1) Revise your first power paragraph on yellow paper. 
2) Read post-test article “Your Teen’s Search for Identity”  Highlight and underline the article.  Complete Textual Evidence graphic organizer for post-test article.

Homework # 17 Due October 11th:
1) Write the first draft of your introduction for your post-test on a yellow sheet of paper from your note-pad.
2) Read article “Teenagers ,Identity Crisis, & Procrastination”-Highlight or underline the article.  Complete the section of your Textual Evidence Graphic Organizer for this article.

Homework # 16 Due October 10th
Read the article “Identity Development-Aspects of identity.”  On loose-leaf:
1)Complete a Double Entry Journal for the article
2) Answer the questions, “Who”, “What”, and “How”, about the article.

Homework # 15 Due Tuesday October 9th:  Complete short response question for “Voices in Anti-Semitism.”  Use power paragraphing to answer the short response question. 

Homework # 14 Due Friday October 5th:
Write 2-3 power paragraphs to answer this question:  What is one example of prejudice, one example of racism, and one example of discrimination in The Devil’s Arithmetic ?   

Homework # 13 Due Thursday October 4th:
Use power paragraphing to answer these questions:  Describe 3 revisions you made to your introduction.  Explain 2 reasons why these revisions are necessary for your reader.  1 question you still have about constructing introductions.

Homework # 12 Due Wednesday October 3rd

1) Error Analysis-Reading Baseline Exam.  Use power paragraphing to answer each question.
 2) Study notes on power paragraphing, inferences, and your vocabulary words.  Pop quizzes will begin this week!

Homework # 11 Due Tuesday October 2nd 
Write 2-3 power paragraphs to answer theses questions: What are 2 suggestions that were offered to by your peers during peer workshop?  How will these suggestions help you when constructing future thesis statements? Write your revised thesis statement

Homework # 10:  Due Monday 10/1:
721:  In power paragraphs answer these questions:  What are 3 things you learned about constructing a thesis statement?  2 things you think you need to work on?  1 question you still have?

Homework # 9:  Due Thursday 9/27:

721: Revise your thesis statement (not the entire introduction!) from your writing baseline exam on loose-leaf or typed.  Use the “What is a Thesis” list and “Thesis Check-Off List” in your notebooks to help you revise it.  Then write 2-3 power paragraph explaining the changes you made.

Homework # 8:  Due tomorrow 9/25:

721:  Look over your extended response  from the writing baseline exam.  Did your extended response have a thesis?  Use the check list in your notebook to answer the question and explain if you wrote a thesis statement, or if your extended response was missing a thesis statement.

Homework Due # 7 tomorrow Monday 9/24

721: Write 2-3 power paragraphs to answer the question: How can making inferences in literature help you determine how the societal conflicts in Poland shaped Hannah's identity?  Provide  two examples from the text.  Use textual evidence! (Power 4)

Homework Due # 6 tomorrow 9/21
721: Write 2-3 power paragraphs to answer these questions: Write about two specific things you learned from your peers today and explain how they affected your interpretation of the text.

Homework # 5 Due tomorrow 9/20
All Classes:  
1) Complete error analysis sheet for the writing baseline exam on loose-leaf or typed.  Use power paragraphing to answer each question!

2)  Bring in your sheet protectors and pocket dictionaries tomorrow.

3) Bring in your summer reading and summer reading notes.

Homework # 4.3-Due Wednesday 9/19:

721: H.W. # 4.3:  Read "My Name" In 2-3 Power Paragraphs answer the question-Why are names important for one's identity? How can cultures influence one's identity? Use textual evidence from "My Name" to support your answer. 

721: H.W. # 4.2 Due Tomorrow 9/14: Using the power paragraph format, write 2-3 paragraphs to answer the question:  What are two of your favorite cultural, or family traditions?
Use this formula: 1-2-3-3-2-3-3-1

2)  Bring in your summer reading books and notes TOMORROW!  You will need them for tomorrow's Pre-Test!

3) 2) E-mail me:  Name, class, and  parent's e-mail.


721:  H.W. # 4.1 Due 9/13-Write one power paragraph to answer the question:   What is one of your strongest personality traits?  Remember to identify the POWER used in each sentence!


Homework # 3-Due tomorrow 9/12:
1) Create two reading goals. In 3-4 power paragraphs (pg 8   in your agenda), describe them and explain how you will achieve them this year.

2)  Choose an independent reading book.  Due in class on Wed. 9/19.  Check the blog under your class's announcements for suggestions.

3) E-mail me:  Name, class, and  parent's e-mail.


Homework # 2-Due tomorrow 9/11:

1) Create two writing goals. In 3-4 power paragraphs (pg 8 in your agenda book), describe them and explain how you will achieve them this year.

2) E-mail me:  Name, class, and  parent's e-mail.


721 Homework: Due Monday September 10th

Homework:  Students,parents,or guardians need to sign the following:

1) 25 Book Campaign pg. 9 in your agenda book. 
2)  Homework contract pg. 19 in your agenda book.
        3) YAL Letter-parents or guardians only.

Homework #1:721 
(Due tomorrow 9/7!)

1)  Class contract signed.

2)  Homework # 1: Write a letter to me.  Tell me:
a) About yourself:  Culture, family, friends, interest, hobbies, sports, anything you believe is important for me to know.

b) What are your favorite genres of books to read and why?  Some examples are fiction, non-fiction, science fiction, and mystery.

c) What are your goals for ELA?

d)  What are some of your concerns for your 7th grade year?