Hi everyone!
This is just a reminder that an extended response from your
Common Core Assessment book is due on April 3rd, 2013. The directions I gave out in class are
Homework for Spring Break: Due April 3rd, 2013
Directions for extended response from the Common
Core Assessment Book:
1) Read the
following passages from the Common Core Assessment Book:
Debris: A Definition” page 134
Up the Garbage Patch” page 135
or Recycle?” page 135
Complete the extended response for these passages. The question for the extended response
is on page 136. The extended
response must be on loose-leaf, or typed.
*You cannot
e-mail me your extended response.
Hard copies must be submitted on April 3rd, 2013.
Have a wonderful Spring Break! See you on April 3rd, 2013!
-Ms. Macchio :)